20+ Statistics on Working From Home in the Post-Pandemic World

Written By
G. Dautovic
July 04,2023

Before the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world as we knew it, statistics on working from home indicated that remote work was gaining ground but was still generally uncommon. 

It used to be about the digital age and the digital nomads. Today, even a customer service representative - a role traditionally filled in an office setting - works from home and wants it to stay that way. 

Our goal at Fortunly is to delve deeper into the newest data. In doing so, we want to paint a clearer picture of how working from home can affect businesses of all types and sizes. 

We believe having the most relevant facts, and statistics about working from home can help companies create better policies and improve their productivity. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of statistics using only the most reputable sources.

Statistics on Working From Home - Editor’s Picks for 2023

  • In 2022, 80 million workers in America work remotely, at least part-time.
  • 81% of employees cite a better work-life balance as the main reason they need a flexible job.
  • 62% of employees report being more productive when working from home. 
  • 65% of employers want workers to return to the office.
  • Working from home can save workers between $2,500 and $4,000 and employers $11,000 per remote half-time worker annually.

Working-From-Home Statistics

While not everyone prefers working offsite, more people than ever are taking advantage of work-from-home opportunities. Here are some stats showing dramatic changes in working habits that are here to stay in the post-pandemic world.

5.7 million Americans reported working from home part-time or more before the COVID-19 pandemic. 

(Global Workplace Analytics)

This was 4.1% of the country’s entire workforce, according to telecommuting statistics from 2019. Compare that to 69% of US employees who worked remotely at the height of the pandemic, which proved many jobs can be done offsite.

A typical worker with a part or full-time remote job had a college degree and was at least 45 years of age, earning $58,000 per year.

In 2022, 80 million workers in America work remotely at least part-time, marking a major shift in the labor market.

(McKinsey & Company)

Furthermore, 29.3 million people work from home full-time or five days a week.

The survey, conducted in the spring of 2022, shows that 58% of the US workforce, or 92 million Americans, were given the opportunity to work remotely at least one day a week, and 35% of them full-time.

These working-from-home stats cover both blue- and white-collar workers. Of those who have been given the opportunity to work remotely, 87% have used it. 

12% of workers offered only part-time or occasional remote work say they worked from home five days a week. 

(McKinsey & Company, World Economic Forum)

This statistic and similar stats on working from home indicate a mismatch between how flexible employers are willing to be and what employees seek. 

The divide is one of the reasons underlying the Great Resignation, with unprecedented numbers of employees leaving their jobs since the pandemic in search of a better work-life balance.

This is how the pandemic has not only affected the economy but has also changed working habits and society as a whole. 

Remote work statistics for 2022 show that 19% of 55- to 64-year-olds do not opt to work remotely despite having the option.

(McKinsey & Company)

According to the work-at-home statistics, the percentage is much lower across the younger age groups, at 12%-13%. 

The breakdown is similar for lower- and higher-income employees, with 17% of those earning from $25,000 to 74,999 annually not using the opportunity to work from home, compared to 10% of those earning more than $75,000.

81% of job seekers cite a better work-life balance as the main reason they need a flexible job.


According to statistics, working from home would help 70% of employees improve their mental health. Reducing commute stress is cited by 50% as the reason people want flexible or remote jobs, followed by having more time for family (47%) and reducing exposure to illnesses (43%).

44% of job seekers know at least one person who has resigned or is planning to quit due to the in-office work requirements.


Statistics on working from home point to a rising demand for flexibility when it comes to working conditions. 

The FlexJobs survey shows that 29% of the respondents were currently looking for job opportunities allowing remote work, while 24% would agree to a 10% to 20% pay cut to work offsite as much as they want. 

These work-from-home stats also show that 21% of respondents would waive some vacation time to be able to work remotely, while 17% would quit their job if they didn’t have at least some remote work options.

Working-From-Home Productivity Statistics 

The nine-to-five schedule seems to be a thing of the past. It is certainly not crucial for productivity, with the following statistics revealing something of a mismatch in how employers and employees view the issue. 

62% of employees report being more productive when working from home. 

(Owl Labs)

By contrast, only 11% believe they are less productive working remotely. The remote working statistics by employee age show that millennials are the generation that feels the most productive working from home (66%). In contrast, baby boomers feel the least productive when working remotely (46%).

Gen Z also generally believe they are more productive at home, while Gen X think they are more productive working on-site, according to a report compiled by Owl Labs in cooperation with remote work consulting firm Global Workplace Analytics.

41% of employees report having better work equipment at home than in the office.


On the opposite end of the scale, 35% of workers say their equipment is better at work. Research conducted by Poly also shows that 71% of employees agree that remote work suits their personality better than on-site work. 

37% of employers have increased or introduced the use of employee activity tracking software over the past year.

(Owl Labs)

Owl Labs’ report also shows that 60% of managers are worried that employees are less productive when working from home. 

Most CEOs, 78%, say remote collaboration is here to stay.


A PwC survey of CEOs from diverse industries and countries found that over half of respondents (54%) think the shift from traditional employment to the gig economy will be permanent.

A UK survey has found that only 2 hours and 53 minutes are spent productively in an office per workday. 


A 2019 survey of almost 2,000 UK office workers found the rest of the time was spent on other activities such as reading news websites (one hour and five minutes), checking social media (44 minutes), and discussing out-of-work activities with colleagues (40 minutes).

63% of employees say the eight-hour workday will become obsolete.


As the way we think about work changes, so will long-standing practices like the standard eight-hour workday. In fact, people in digital industries who work from home are already pushing for shorter work days.

Working-from-home statistics indicate that this could be the next big effect of technology, allowing workers more freedom and flexibility in organizing their precious time. 

 97% of remote workers would encourage others to work remotely.


Research shows that once you start working remotely, you don’t look back. Indeed, Buffer found that 97% of respondents who work remotely would like to continue doing so at least some of the time for the remainder of their career. 

Remote work statistics like this show the overwhelming feeling of freedom remote that these workers enjoy and their appreciation for the companies that offer it to them.

65% of employers want workers to return to the office.

(Owl Labs, Poly)

Working-from-home statistics for 2022 revealed by Poly’s research show that 57% of employees have felt pressured by the management to return to the office.

Owl Labs’ report shows that 60% of managers are concerned that employees are less productive when working from home. 

At the same time, 51% of employees feel that the office is the best place for productivity when managing others and organizing team meetings.

62% of employees feel more excited about their job since they switched to remote work due to the pandemic.

(Buffer, FlexJobs)

Remote work statistics indicate employees are more dedicated to companies that allow them the freedom to work from home and are indeed in search of remote-only and hybrid jobs when faced with a lack of workplace flexibility. 

Other employee satisfaction stats show that a lack of a healthy work-life separation is one of the leading reasons people resign or do not even apply for or accept a job in the first place (57%). 

The top reasons include a low salary (79%), a toxic work culture (73%), a micromanaging boss (58%), not allowing remote work (55%), and a lack of flexible working options (50%).

Other Work-From-Home Stats You Should Know About

From IT engineer preferences to how much you could cut your carbon footprint if working remotely - the statistics we have compiled below provide miscellaneous but valuable insight into remote work.

Three out of four IT engineers want to work most of the time remotely.


According to the State of Remote Engineering report 2022, 68% of IT engineers believe remote work increases their productivity, but one-third expect they will be asked to return to offices this year.

The report also shows that 24% of engineers say they experienced burnout this year, down from 37% in 2021. At the same time, almost 60% believe flexibility helps them manage burnout.

Software development outsourcing by startups is forecast to expand by 70% between 2022 and 2023.

(Business Wire)

Commit’s 2022 State of Tech Staffing report also indicates that these companies plan to outsource at least 36% of their software developers. 

According to the report, 99% of senior technology and HR managers see benefits in hiring remote teams, and 75% confirm an increase in the productivity of employees working remotely today. 

According to outsourcing statistics, about 45% of companies outsourcing IT functions say they do so to save money.

Regarding work-from-home connectivity, 79% of remote workers pay their internet bill themselves.


The rise of remote working is generally a good thing, but there are still some problems to overcome. One of these is that most companies still don’t pay their remote employees’ home internet bills. Considering that internet prices in the US are among the highest in the world, at over $60 per month, this cost can really add up. 

Only 1% of workers who contributed to these telecommuting statistics from 2021 said their company pays their internet bill. A partner pays the bill for 10% and parents for 5% of the respondents. The government foots the bill for about 2% of the respondents.

45% of people in the remote work community think career growth is more difficult when not working at the office.


At the same time, 14% believe that remote work makes career progression less difficult when working remotely, and 41% say it has no impact at all.

73% of US work departments will have remote workers by 2028.


This study found that millennials and Gen Z workers dramatically affect the workforce.

When they become the workplace majority in the latter years of the next decade, it’s projected that 24% of the positions will consist of freelancers and temporary agency workers.

If people with jobs that can be done remotely worked from home one day a week, they would reduce global CO2 emissions by nearly 26.5 million tons annually.


According to the International Energy Agency’s data, this would save about 1% of worldwide oil consumption for road passenger transport annually, which would more than offset the increase in household energy use. The overall result would be a reduced carbon footprint.

Working from home can save workers between $2,500 and $4,000 annually.

(Global Workplace Analytics)

US work-from-home statistics like these vary depending on the state and the city you live in. Still, you could save a significant amount of money by going remote. 

At the same time, an employer can save $11,000 on average per half-time remote worker annually. The savings would come from higher productivity; lower absenteeism, turnover, and real estate costs; and the ability to continue operating when employees can’t get to work.

In 2022, a majority of employees, 58%, are worried about the looming recession.

(Owl Labs)

This is the leading source of stress cited by employees. Remote working statistics from 2022 show the overall stress levels are higher than in 2021 for 45% of workers, and with hybrid work being the new normal, the leading stressor is no longer connected to the workplace.

Before the pandemic, 84% of remote employees worked primarily from home.


While remote work allows you to travel and do your job from anywhere in the world, work-from-home statistics from 2019 show that working from home was far more popular than other remote work options, including coworking spaces (8%) and cafes (4%).

Key Takeaways

The remote work trends of 2022 leave no doubt in our minds that remote employment is here to stay. The shift toward working from home during the pandemic has changed how we live, work, and plan for the future.

Work-from-home statistics highlight a few key issues that businesses already confront - from embracing flexibility to avert high employee turnover to finding ways to allay employee fears concerning the pending recession. 

Considering the state of world affairs these days, we can only expect these challenges to get tougher. On the bright side, remote work has shown its value to both employees and employers, and we can expect it to solidify its place in our working lives even more in the future.


What percentage of the world is working remotely?


A 2022 survey shows that 36% of people worldwide expect to be working in a hybrid model permanently, with 45% currently working remotely.

Is working from home good for mental health?


According to a survey conducted by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 2021, most respondents working from home said their mental health had declined.

They cited loneliness and difficulty switching off from work at the end of the day as the main downsides of remote work.

What percentage of the US workforce works from home?


The number of people primarily working from home surged from 5.7% (around 9 million) to 17.9% (27.6 million) between 2019 and 2021, according to statistics on working from home revealed by the United States Census Bureau’s 2021 American Community Survey.


About author

I have always thought of myself as a writer, but I began my career as a data operator with a large fintech firm. This position proved invaluable for learning how banks and other financial institutions operate. Daily correspondence with banking experts gave me insight into the systems and policies that power the economy. When I got the chance to translate my experience into words, I gladly joined the smart, enthusiastic Fortunly team.

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