Online Ad Revenue Statistics for 2023

Written By
Julija A.
June 26,2023

With the significant number of people spending time online and shopping on the internet, it’s little wonder that companies are picking up on the new reality and beginning to spend more on online advertising.

With that in mind, you may be curious to learn more about online ad revenue statistics and how successful internet advertising can be.

In 2020 alone, nearly 356 billion US dollars were spent on digital advertising. It is rapidly becoming one of the most important and valuable forms of advertising because of the popularity and growth of digital platforms. 

If you want to get your product or business noticed, you must have a plan for advertising products online and increasing your ad expenditures. Overall, the consensus is that digital advertising and running online ads are here to stay.

This means that you have the chance to make some money and revenue from them, but only if you can beat the ever-growing competition.

Statistics on Online Ad Revenue: Editor’s Choice for 2023

  • 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool.
  • In 2020, mobile ads made up nearly 70% of all internet advertising.
  • Internet advertising revenues in the United States reached $124.6b in 2019.
  • Facebook, Amazon, and Google hold the largest share of total US digital ad spending.
  • 4. Almost 91% of all pages have no organic search traffic.

Key Online Advertising Statistics

Facebook, Amazon, and Google hold the largest share of total US digital ad spending.


These tech giants were among the biggest spenders in 2021, and it seems this trend may continue in the future. According to eMarketer, the three companies contributed to 64.0% of all US digital ad spending in 2021.

The total amount spent was $211.20 billion, meaning that Facebook, Amazon, and Google raked in a combined $135 billion last year.

While this may seem like bad news for other companies trying to break into the digital ad market, it's worth noting that the total amount spent on digital ads has been growing steadily for years.

In fact, eMarketer predicts that the total US digital ad spend will reach the $300 billion mark in 2025.

70 to 80% of users ignore sponsored search results.

(Search Engine Land)

While online ads may seem everywhere, internet advertising statistics reveal that many users simply tune them out. In fact, a study by Search Engine Land found that around three-quarters of users completely ignore sponsored search results.

This means that even if your ad is placed front and center on a search engine page, there's a good chance that the average user will never even see it.

Another thing we learned from these statistics is that 50% of search queries consist of four or more words.

So, although many marketers focus on keyword optimization and getting their ads to show up for short, common queries, they should also target longer, more specific phrases people are actually searching for.


Videos are one of the advertising trends on the rise and the way to go if you want to get your brand or product in front of your target audience and get them to pay attention.

As a matter of fact, videos are shared 1200% more than links and text combined. This stat should be no surprise when you consider how engaging, and visually appealing video content is.

Digital advertising is a huge industry, and it's only going to get bigger in the years to come. As a marketer, it's essential to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and statistics to make sure your campaigns are as effective as possible.

Almost 91% of all pages have no organic search traffic.


Based on the survey Ahrefs conducted in 2017, 90.63% of all pages get zero traffic from Google. The study also showed that around 5.29% get ten or fewer visits per month. That leaves less than 5% of internet pages with an actionable amount of visitors and clicks each month.

These findings show that although internet advertising revenue is on the rise, there is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of getting organic traffic to sites. This is where SEO comes in.

If you want your website to be one of the few that gets organic traffic from Google, you need to make sure you're doing everything you can to optimize your site for its search engine.

In Q2 of 2021, mobile devices accounted for 63% of YouTube viewing time.


Youtube ad revenue statistics reveal that in Q12 of 2021, mobile devices accounted for 63% of all YouTube viewing time. Desktop users came in second, accounting for 12% of all YouTube viewing time.

The remaining percentage is attributed to other devices, such as tablets, gaming consoles, and connected TVs.This stat is important to keep in mind when creating video content, as more and more people are watching videos on their phones.

If your videos and video ads aren't optimized for mobile viewing, you could be missing out on a large portion of your potential audience, ​​as mobile digital advertising is most likely to continue growing in popularity.

86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool.


Videos are a powerful marketing tool, and it seems that more and more businesses are starting to realize this. In fact, 86% of companies use video as a marketing tool in 2022.

This information is especially important for small businesses, as video can be a great way to reach new customers and promote your products or services.

Although there are many benefits to using video as a marketing tool, some marketers still don't use it. 23% of them claim it's due to the lack of time, while 13% of the surveyees said they don't feel there's a need for it.

Ad spend on social media advertising is projected to reach $173,988 million in 2022.


Social media advertising is one of the most popular and effective forms of digital marketing. It allows businesses to reach a large audience for a relatively low cost, and it's a great way to build brand awareness and create an engaged community around your product or service.

Based on Statista's projections, global spending in the social media advertising sector will reach $173,98m in 2022. Most of the ad revenue will come from the United States - $62,998 million, to be precise.

Mobile searches for “best” have grown 80% in the past few years.

(Think With Google)

A study conducted by Think With Google revealed that the word "best" has become increasingly popular among mobile users searching for products and services. 

This is a clear indicator that people are becoming more selective when choosing what they want to buy, and they are looking for the best possible option before making a purchase. Interestingly, 90% of in-store shoppers use their mobile devices while shopping to compare prices and look for product reviews.

Mobile ad spending hit a record-breaking $288 billion in 2021.


Mobile advertising is on the rise, and it's not showing any signs of slowing down. In 2021, mobile advertising spending reached a record-breaking $288 billion worldwide. This was an increase of 26.6% from 2020 when it was a bit over $227 billion.

Several factors contributed to the growth of mobile advertising, such as the increase in smartphone ownership and usage and the rise of popular social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram.

If you're not already incorporating mobile advertisements into your marketing strategy, now is the time to start.

In 2020, mobile ads made up nearly 70% of all internet advertising.


If you’re not spending your money on mobile ads, you’re missing out on a large segment of your potential audience and target market. Mobile advertising is one of the most popular forms of internet advertising, and back in 2020, it made up nearly 70% of all internet ad spending.

This was a solid increase compared to 2018 when mobile ads accounted for 65% of internet advertising revenue, or 2017 when it was “only” 57%.

With more and more people using their smartphones to access the internet, it's no surprise that mobile advertising is becoming increasingly popular and effective. If you're not already using this niche, you really ought to start.

Internet advertising revenues in the United States reached $124.6b in 2019.


According to Interactive Advertising Bureau's (IAB) research, internet ad revenues improved by 15.9% compared to 2020, primarily due to increases in mobile and video advertising.

IAB's research also shows that internet ad spending continues to grow faster than traditional ad spending, which is another indication that businesses need to start shifting their focus to digital marketing.

Ad Spending & Revenue

It may be no surprise that video content works and grabs viewer attention more than other advertising methods. Advertising spend for video content was $81.9 billion in 2021, an increase of 12% from 2020.

Led by YouTube and others, short video was the dominant form in 2021, up 47% from 2020 and reaching $16.3 billion. The increase in advertising spend and growth came from podcasting and digital audio, which were up 68%.

Online advertising in the US generated total revenue of nearly 140 billion US dollars in 2020. Since 2009 the US internet ad revenue has increased steadily and has grown by around 12.2% in 2020 compared to 2019. 

According to the latest projections, digital advertising revenue will amount to more than 460 billion US dollars by 2024.

Advertisers continue to work mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy. The growth in mobile advertising is particularly impressive. In 2019, video grew almost 44% from 2018 (totaling $14.7 billion), for a solid 17.0% of the mobile market share.

According to Digiday, the digital sphere saw the most gains out of all media types, growing its share of total advertising spend from 40% in 2019 to 51% in 2021.

Online Ad Revenue in the US

The average person is now estimated to encounter between 6,000 to 10,000 ads every day. As such, it’s clear that online advertising is growing rapidly in the US, and with that growth comes increased online ad revenue.

People are spending more time on their phones, and social media advertising revenue follows suit, earning big companies like Facebook and Google enormous amounts of money.

Online advertising is close to traditional advertising but is more accessible and can easily reach millions of customers. It targets prospects using demographics and behavior analysis software.

Online opens up many new advertising avenues, too. For example, you can use ad networks, text ads, display ads, rich media ads, and in-text ads, to name a few.

Online advertising increases sales and revenue, too. How so? It targets users who are most likely to benefit from the service or product. Your local business is visible online with digital advertising, and it’s targeted to the right people.

Platforms like Facebook and Google allow for advanced targeting as well. This puts a local business in front of consumers, who are more likely to become future buyers.


How much revenue do ads make?


Online advertising revenue is big business. In 2020, it made 139.8 billion in the United States alone.

Which country has the most ad revenue?


So far, the U.S. is the leading global market in terms of advertising spending. In 2021, more than $285 billion was spent on advertising and the ad revenue from the year before was almost $140 billion.

Is the ad industry growing?


Yes. Both ad spending and revenue figures have been steadily increasing over the years, especially in the digital sector.

How do you calculate projected ad revenue?

  1. Total impressions / 1,000 X CPM = Revenue.
  2. 200,000 impressions / 1,000 X $10 CPM = $2,000.
  3. Total clicks X CPC = Revenue.
  4. 10,000 clicks X $0.5 CPC = $5,000
  5. Total acquisitions X CPA = Revenue.

While it can be challenging to generate more online ad revenue, it is possible. There are more people than ever online but also more companies promoting their products and services. It’s all about generating traffic and attention to your website or social media pages by offering a unique and engaging ad campaign.


About author

Albert Einstein is said to have identified compound interest as mankind’s greatest invention. That story’s probably apocryphal, but it conveys a deep truth about the power of fiscal policy to change the world along with our daily lives. Civilization became possible only when Sumerians of the Bronze Age invented money. Today, economic issues influence every aspect of daily life. My job at Fortunly is an opportunity to analyze government policies and banking practices, sharing the results of my research in articles that can help you make better, smarter decisions for yourself and your family.

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